You’re Speaking My Language
Thoughts, Tips, and Practical Ideas for World Language Teachers
Rejuvenating Your Assessments with Student-Friendly Rubrics
How a few simple tweaks to my rubric led to faster grading and better feedback.
5 Language Learning Fears
How you can help students overcome Foreign Language Anxiety to improve their speaking proficiency
How to find pop songs to use in your French or Spanish classroom
Free resources to bring the joy of music to your students!
5 Activities to Use Pop Music in your World Language Classroom
Harness your students’ natural interests for listening, speaking, and reading instruction
3 Activities On Attention, Concentration, and Multitasking
Or, why you can’t be on your phone or play computer games during this class!
A Workable Classroom Phone and Computer Use Policy
How I declared war, and made peace with cell phones, social media, and video games in my classroom
St. Nicholas Day
Resources to teach students about St. Nicholas Day, the unofficial kickoff to the French Christmas season.
4 Activities for Teaching Circumlocution
Give your students tools to speak using the language they already know!
Teaching Numbers Effectively: Part 2
Activities to incorporate number instruction throughout your curriculum
Teaching Numbers Effectively: Part 1
Why numbers are challenging for world language students, and how your instructional approach can make a big difference
Writing and Using Conversation Templates for Interpersonal Speaking
Practical ideas to scaffold interpersonal speaking in your world language classroom.
Teaching Interpersonal Speaking
Comfortable conversation in the target language is our students’ main goal. Effective instruction in interpersonal speaking can help them achieve it.
Practical Ways to Create a Classroom Community
4 Activities to Facilitate Collaboration While Encouraging Individual Accountability
6 Strategies for Creating a Classroom Community
Ideas to foster a supportive classroom atmosphere, laying the foundation for collaborative learning and world language speaking proficiency